Hey, I Hope You Have A Great Day.

Seriously. Whether you stay for a while or just long enough to read this sentence.

My name is Alexandria. I value conversation and learning ALOT. I believe that respect is equaling as important as love; and I tend to have a lower-than-society-says-is-normal capacity for interaction… so why am I on Substack?

Because, as I’ve already stated, I value conversation— acquiring new knowledge and getting to know people. While I recognize online communities can never take the place of in-person relationships, I believe there is value in sharing one’s thoughts and listening to (or reading) others.

Why Subscribe?

This space is one where I want to learn about others’ experiences and views. Hearing someone else’s perspective can help each of us to gain insight, grow in compassion and reframe our way of seeing things.

With a subscription, you’ll get weekly blog posts, podcast episodes, and sometimes a Thread discussion question. I’m serious about wanting this to be a space of sharing, of respectfully making space for each other and of having fun.

There is never any pressure, but I am so excited to steward this space together.

Thank you for being here.

I hope you have a great day,


Subscribe to Hey, I Hope You Have A Great Day

Hello ✌🏾 I value conversation. Here I share what I’m learning, things I love, and encourage you to do the same. Thank you for being here; I hope you have a great day.


Here I share what I’m learning, things I love, and encourage you to do the same. May this be a place of peace, compassion, fun, and respect. May you feel loved and honored. Thank you for being here, and I hope you have a great day.